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logo-pigsdoflyprod-verticalAudition Notice:

Pigs Do Fly Productions is seeking non-union actors over 50 for their May production of seven short plays about people over the age of 50. Playwrights include Michael McKeever, Michael Leeds, and Marj O’Neill-Butler. Rehearsals will take place afternoons and evenings from April 20th, 2015, with the production opening on May 7th, 2015 and running for three weeks.  Rehearsals are scheduled with actor’s availability in mind.  Not all actors are called all the time as we are rehearsing seven short plays.  All actors are expected to be off-book the day rehearsals begin.  If you are interested in being considered for this production, you must send your current headshot and resume to: pigsdoflyfl@yahoo.com.  Auditions will take place on March 9th at 7 pm in the Ft. Lauderdale area.